Sweet potato & salmon patties
I think this is probably one of the best things I have made…! I found this recipe in The Sunday Telegraph a few weeks ago and tweaked it to make it a little healthier. Everyone in my family devoured these! You can use any fish, for this one I used tinned pink salmon but it would also be great with tinned tuna, smoked trout, or fresh diced fillets of Blue Grenadier, snapper or barramundi.
Health tip: keep your tuna consumption to a maximum 2 serves a week (2 x month if pregnant) as it is a large deepwater fish and contains high levels of mercury which is toxic in any level in the body.
Sweet potato and salmon fish patties with Ceres Organic Garlic Aioli
400g tinned pink salmon, or fish of choice (the amount doesn’t really matter, it just depends if you want them to taste fishier)
1/4 cup coconut flour
1/4 cup spelt flour (or plain if you don't have spelt)
1 large sweet potato, peeled and chopped and boiled to make mash (can use normal potato too)
1 grated carrot
1 grated zucchini
1/2 cup grated cheddar cheese
1 large egg
1 plate Coconut flour, 1 plate whisked egg (1-2 eggs), 1 plate breadcrumbs
Olive oil for frying
Bring a saucepan of salted water to the boil, add chopped sweet potato and cook until soft. Mash with butter, S+P and set aside.
Meanwhile, add the fish, carrot, zucchini, cheese, flours, egg, and S+P to a bowl and mix together.
Add to the sweet potato mash to the mix once cooled and combine. Roll into golf-ball sized balls, and dip in the order of plates: coconut flour, egg, then breadcrumbs.
Heat a large pan and add olive oil. Add the patties to the pan, flatten lightly, then cook until browned, then flip, approx 2-3mins on each side.
Serve with steamed broccolini and basmati or brown rice, or salad. Dip them in Ceres Organic Vegan Garlic Aioli from Woolies and Harris Farm for the best taste experience of your life.